
New gouache, based on a still from the film Erotissimo – a swinging French pop satire on sex and advertising. I’ve been planning to paint something from the flick for ages – every scene is a perfect mod diorama. (amazing Flickr set here.) [larger image]

I got wind of it via the site World of Kane, a seemingly inexhaustible font of “retro eye candy for the eyes and ears impeccably by curated by Londoner Will Kane. Kane also DJs at a swinging occasional called the Stagnant Society, “a
cinematic banquet of salacious psychedelia, euphoric euro-jerk, polyester pop, & hysterical Hammond, accompanied by an array of atmospheric visuals and beautiful dresses…” Well put. Perfect description of his site as well.  I’ve gleaned a ton from Kane and a toast is richly deserved and long overdue. Visit often.