Are you receiving?


A selection of QSL cards, which are used by amateur radio buffs to confirm a two-way transmission between stations. In use since 1916, they form an endlessly fascinating spectrum of vernacular design. The selection above are from a box of a couple of hundred I bought a few years ago that just keeps yielding amazing type, illustrations, logos, insignias, scribbles and annotations. Archive sites abound online, also, a typically absorbing Wikipedia article on the history of the cards here.

The Basics


It took me a while to get past the sheer masterfulness of the technique to grok the lasting point of Eric Zener’s paintings. It’s the idea of water as a medium for human experience. It reduces us, isolates us, dwarfs us so profoundly that it coaxes from us our most fundamental expressions. To surrender to water is to shed complexity. Splashing, floating, leaping, submerging, basking, even walking along the ocean shore, are dense, but utterly basic, experiences. It’s that same kind of surrender that transforms this tightly focused series of paintings into something much more human and universal. Oh, and the technique is ridiculous. (On exhibit at Gallery Henoch, New York City, until May 9th.)

Pick Your Poison


What struck me about both these covers is the promiscuous mingling of elegant design and a proudly trashy sensibility. Slinky, showy, and slightly disreputable, they’re out for the same thing, just in different outfits. The Hunger is sort of a loose-fitted, white on white, billowy, bell bottomed thingy, with a black lacquered wooden bead necklace and head scarf –  Susan Pleshette’s look (below, left) distinctly comes to mind. Scandal is surely Joan Collins (below, obviously) in her early eighties prime, shoulder pads, saturated purple dress popping aggressively against black hair, black lace decolletage, and her black heart. (The books themselves? Hunger is unreadable, like machetting through a steamy forest of velour plants. Scandal is much better, a comedy of manners, politics and sexual intrigue, recalling the Perfumo affair and Waugh, although without the high points of either.)


Good only on Secret


As always, it’s the little things… the computer punch card holes, the Morse code perforated edge, harmonious muted color scheme, the springiness of “Secret” and the Dragnet earnestness of the disclaimer. Good show, little coupon!

Definitive Prep


The last topic I thought I’d be returning to so soon are the aesthetic charms of William F. Buckley. However the photographs in last week’s New York Times Magazine’s excerpt of Christopher Buckley’s memoir were amazing. Patricia and William F. Buckley charted the murky border where upper class pageantry flows into ridiculous Thurston Howellism and resolutely anchored their yacht just on the inside of it. Each of these photos is the very distillation of arch-Waspdom in the mode of each decade’s prevailing fashions. Pearls and tweeds give way to mod specs, beehives and Vespas, and top out in gilded, frilled, and draped tableaus of over-saturated frippery. If these photographs are representative, the art book they are begging to form is a classic. (the article itself is fantastic, a bracing account of losing ones’ parents as well as a pocket elegy to a lost age of cultural and political camaraderie. Images © New York Times/Christopher Buckley)

Camera Bug


Bought and hung almost absentmindedly, over time this toy camera has become one of my most beloved objects. It exists in a perfect balance between mass production and craft, where the necessities of manufacture result not in cheap buy vicodin for cheap mimicry but inspired abstraction. Chief among its many charms is the yellow spring loaded toggle which strikes the brass flash cup and emits a jaunty sustained ping. Joy incarnate, this thing.



Hello. Taking the gig on the road. Back next Monday. ‘Til then, then.
(William Eggleston, from 2 1/4, 1999, Twin Palms Publishers)

Ex Libris Taras Shepelavy


A selection of covers from lost crannies of my father’s bookshelf. Viewing them as an oblique tribute to his memory imbues their designs, for me, with a profound weight. Each is a flag unfurled in celebration of the bracing shock of the new, and the sheer exhilaration of understanding.

Mimmo Rotella




As with most great pop art, the pleasures of Mimmo Rotella’s decollages are simple ones – expressive technique, flashy subjects, and a lusty joie de vive. Rotella tore away at lurid, glamorous and melodramatic Italian ads and movie posters, ripping and chemically dissolving them into something essential. In each case what is revealed is a burst of pure expression: shards of glamour, rough tapestries of melodrama, and blurts of type. Although critical appreciations of his work are often barnacled with pomo foolishness, they lead to fascinating places. He was a member of a European variant of Pop art called Nouveau Réalisme, which was founded in Paris by Yves Klein. Related philosophically and aesthetically to the Dada and Fluxus movements, it will certainly be a subject of further research… (By the way, what is it with all the Italians around here lately? Boldini, Disco Volante, now Rotella, an upcoming post on Virna Lisi…)

Bell Jar Pastoral


Warren, MI, 35mm film, 2008

So strange… This suburban neighborhood was jammed between a cluster of extended stay hotels off a major trunk road in Warren, a suburb of Detroit. It seemed so cut off from its surroundings it might as well have had a glass dome over it. Everything seemed to stop at its perimeter: the pavement, the landscaping, even the weather and ambient light conditions seemed to terminate abruptly.  The scale seemed surreal, just slightly shrunken. For the entire duration of my stay in the adjacent hotel I never saw a single instance of human activity. Adding a final ominous flourish to the vignette was the plume of clotted gray smoke rising in the distance.

That plume is the link to another oddity…

Continue reading



Secretariat, Graphite and carbon pencil on paper, 2007 / revised 2009